National Committee for Voting Integrity

  Our Mission
The National Committee for Voting Integrity (NCVI) is an EPIC project that brings together experts on voting issues from across the country to promote constructive dialogue among computer scientists, elections administrators, voting rights advocates, policymakers, the media and the public on the best methods for achieving in practice: fair, reliable, secure, accessible, transparent, accurate, accountable, and auditable public elections. In keeping with the goal of public election administration we are working to ensure that election systems preserve the secret ballot, accuracy, privacy, integrity, and the proper tabulation of the voter's intent regardless of his or her physical condition, language of origin, or literacy ability.

NCVI Voting Technology Research Tool

Comprehensive research tool for voting technology researchers, activists, journalists and other parties interested in developing their understanding of contemporary voting technology issues.

Main Documents Law
Standards Who's Who Problems
Technology Acronyms By State

Program Areas

Voting Rights
Centralized Voter Registration Database
Voter Privacy

Securing Voting Technology
Voting Technology Standards
National Institute of Standards (NIST)
Uniformity in Election Administration

Laws and Transparency
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Impact
Help America Vote Act (HAVA)
Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA)
Open Government

Voting Technology
Lever Voting Machines
Punch Card Ballots
Optical Scan Ballots
Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting machines
Internet Voting
Vote Tallying/Counting

Activities & News

NCVI releases 2008 General Election Guidelines to Election Officials, Election Protection, and Voters to aid in their preparations for the November 4, 2008. (October 23, 2008)

NCVI releases E-Deceptive Campaign Practices Report: Internet Technology & Democracy 2.0 on issues of online communications and deceptive messages. (October 20, 2008)

NCVI coordinated a discussion on e-Deceptive Campaign Practices at the 18th Annual Computer Freedom and Privacy meeting held in New Haven Connecticut, May 20-24, 2008. The report panel looked at the incidents of voter suppression that are collectively known as deceptive campaign practices and evidence that the Internet is present new ground for these tactics to go online. (May 20, 2008)

The Government Accounting Office released its report titled Results of GAO's Testing of Voting Systems Use in Sarasota County in Florida's 13th Congressional District. The report preparers in the review also spoke with ES&S, State and local elections officials, and the contestants. (February 8, 2008)

NCVI members David Chaum and Peter Neumann join an amicus brief as technology experts in the case Crawford v. Marion County Indiana. The case involved the state of Indiana's use of poor security standards and REAL ID in conjunction with a statewide-centralized voter registration database to control access to voting. Lillie Coney contributed to the drafting of the brief. (November 13, 2007)

The Technical Guidelines Development Committee sends the draft 2007 Voluntary Voting Systems Guidelines to the Election Assistance Commission. The Committee worked for several months to finalize the draft recommendations that are intended to update the 2005 version of voluntary guidance to voting technology vendors and states for election systems. The Chair of the Commission announced that the process will be completed sometime in 2009. (August 17, 2007)

House Committee on Administration holds hearing on Election Audits. Election Addicts to House Committee. Committee for Voting Integrity submits a statement to the House Committee on Administration for its hearing on the topic of “Election Reform: Auditing.”the statement supported the establishment of public election auditing standards that are just as well accepted, and measurable as financial auditing standards to achieve greater transparency of the public election process. (March 20, 2007)

Punchscan Wins First Place in VoComp 2007 contest. The event provided encouragement to university students and researchers interested in developing next generation voting systems. NCVI member David Chaum invented the Punchscan voting system, which a team of university students used to enter the competition.The voting method allows voters to take a piece of the ballot home with them as a receipt. This receipt does not allow voters to prove how they voted to others, but it does permit them to prove to others how they voted. NCVI members David Dill, Doug Jones, and Lillie Coney were on the program committee for VoComp 2007. (July 27, 2007)

Senate Committee on Rules held its first hearing on S. 1487, the Ballot Integrity Act of 2007, a bill to amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to require an individual, durable, voter-verified paper record under title III of such Act. (July 25, 2007)

The Election Assistance Commission's (EAC) Technical Guidelines Development Committee is holding two days of meetings to finalize the voluntary voting systems guidance draft document for 2007. Once this stage of the standards drafting process is complete the document will be sent to the EAC. After this process the next phase of the process is the public comment period which be announced with its publication in the Federal Register. (May 21, 2007)

For More See NCVI News

An EPIC Project: National Committee for Voting Integrity
1718 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20009
(202) 483-1140 Ext. 111
(fax) 202-483-1248

Last updated February 10, 2009

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