
Strong cryptography should be applied to secure all electronic voting technology used to support or conduct public elections. Sound cryptographic techniques do not rely upon hiding the cryptographic process, often referred to as an algorithm from public review. Sound cryptographic processes are made so by the rigors imposed by public disclosure and testing of algorithms. For this reason, it is imperative that all cryptographic algorithms used to secure electronic voting technology and electronic technology used to facilitate public elections be open for public inspection and testing and that the findings be made public.


  • Well established cryptographic processes should be applied to all electronic voting technology and routinely tested to ensure some measurable level of trust in these technologies.
  • The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA), and prohibitions on disclosure of technology should not apply to equipment directly employed for used to conduct or facilitate public elections.
  • Security protocols should be applied to ensure secure use of and access to protected systems.
